
FILM: Anything for Mom (2004)

At some point over my beginning months at Full Sail in 2004, I joined Ouellette brothers J.P. and Beau's 48-Hour Film Festival team. For insurance that entries were indeed constructed within the allotted forty-eight hours, genres and props were assigned to each team. We received "buddy comedy" and a cheap, floral lawn ornament.

Zipping from apartment to apartment, we developed our idea, gathered props, scouted locations and stockpiled coffee. Leticia Moran provided equipment, Joeseph Price handled camera and directing was shared between J.P. and Brian Mulder. Though these somewhat clear positions were in place, we all got a fair amount of creative and technical input. To help us keep reigns on the unscripted narrative, we filmed chronologically.

The completed piece (edited by Don Osborne) was shown along with thirty to forty other submissions on one of City Walk at Universal Studios' largest screens. It was exhilarating and nerve-racking to see work I contributed to in a theater. It was relieving to hear people actually laughing at it! We did not receive any of the festival's awards, but on our way out we overheard plenty of positive chatter about "that brothers movie with the flower".