
Chaske Spencer: More Than Wolf, & Tinsel Korey: Scarred Beauty

Almost through with their time portraying the couple atop the “Twilight” wolf pack, American Indian actors Chaske Spencer - whose smoothly deep voice could stop one heart while making another flutter - and the lovely, passionate and endlessly multi-talented Tinsel Korey are primed to launch further in to an entertainment world widely devoid of representation for their people. More importantly, the similarly minded two are utilizing much of their franchise-bestowed spotlight to not just better their neglected communities but inspire others to do the same through efforts such as their Be the Shift campaign. Both were happy to shed the censors in favor of honest discussion on the rarely publicized issues of substance abuse and poverty on Native reservations, the state of Natives in Hollywood, working with one another and what’s ahead in next year’s final installment in the epic love saga of fangs and fur.

Read the interviews on page 66 of Icon's Winter 2011 issue,