
Icon's Crystal Reed issue featured on Just Jared Jr. - 8.31.11
-Link to Just Jared Jr.'s highlight of Icon's autumn 2011 cover
-Summary of Icon's first anniversarial issue including details on my involvement

Icon's 1st Digital-Only Issue is Here... and it's Free! - 4.1.11
-Select contents and copy editor promotion announcement re: Spring 2011

Unmitigated Self-Indulgence; or, Early 2011 Statistics - 3.1.11
-Most-trafficked posts and searched queries thus far

ICON Goes Digital! - 2.23.11
-On the heels of Borders' bankruptcy, Icon announces a switch from print to digital.
-Icon will now be available on iPad, iPhone, Kindle and various other virtual venues.

Preview ICON and grab a copy...! - 12.14.10
-Yudu offers the first 15 pages of Icon's winter issue for free, including my Patti Stanger interview
-Yudu also offers digital copies at cover price a week prior to the issue's release
-I break down the highlights of Icon's Winter '10 issue

Bayfront Magazine is now ICON!
- 11.18.10
-Bayfront changes its name to broaden appeal
-I tease three pieces (two interviews and the cover interview introduction) in the Winter '10 issue.

WTYWtD on Facebook; Twitter - 9.14.10
-Introducing Facebook and Twitter pages
-Gallery of recently retired sidebar buttons
-Top-five lists of popular posts; referring keywords/websites/countries

Bayfront Launch: Naples; Redesigns - 9.3.10
-Bayfront's Naples launch party/fashion show summary; picture highlights
-Ke$ha banner unveiled
-Still further sidebar overhauls: buttons/banners
-Bloodshot Drinks rebranded Bloodshot Energy; sees redesign w/hope for resurrection
-Blogspot's new Stats tab reveals most popular posts etcetera thus far

Bayfront; Buttons! - 7.5.10
-Bayfront unveils mock-up cover
-Sidebar buttons get an overhaul
-Old/unused buttons displayed for viewing pleasure/pain
-5-Pound Heavyweight attempt announced

Tweaks; New Magazine! - 6.24.10
-New color scheme
-Behold Naples converts to Behold Florida, an online matchmaking service
-Behold Naples editor recommends me to up-and-coming Bayfront Magazine

Welcome to the New WTYWtD! - 4.1.10
-Farewell to second of two long-standing Kate Beckinsale banners
-Introduction of new template
-Old reviews from Rotten Tomatoes, Suntory Times and Netflix transcribed (read at own risk)